Kettlercise is the single most
effective kettlebell fat burning workout - designed to shape and sculpt, giving
rapid fat loss and a lean toned body.
Men and women of all ages and fitness levels attend Kettlercise classes, where the non-stop routines work and define every single muscle in the body. You will also improve your flexibility and core strength.
You will see a noticeable improvement in your body shape and tone as well as your fitness levels within just a few sessions. This class is unrivalled when it comes to producing results and whatever your current fitness level or ability you will be sure to find Kettlercise fun and invigorating. It is also progressive as you can simply increase the level of challenge by increasing the size of kettlebell you use.
Classes cost £4 per session or you can
take advantage of a pre-paid six-week block for £20.
For further
information, contact Paul Phillipson-Masters on 07545 352505.