Winning Weigh

An 8 week NHS funded health programme Winning Weigh will start at Eassie Hall on Wednesday 27th February to help lose the festive flab and be slimmer for summer sunshine.
The meetings will assess each individual, provide an individual eating plan and advice on weight loss.
NHS staff cover different diet topics each week and anyone with a BMI of 25 or more is invited to join.
Food groups, diet myths and similar topics will be covered each week.

The classes will run from 3-4pm in the community cafe in Eassie Hall at Balkeerie, with one to one discussion and weigh in the privacy of the community room.
A suggested weekly donation of £3 is requested to offset hall expenses.
Fellas and females have already signed up so why not try to lose a few pounds feel better and help take the weight off those long suffering feet and creaking joints!
Places are limited, for further information or to join the programme contact Jane Brewster 01307 840313

For easy BMI calculation in metric or imperial measurements go to